Key outputs

 D10.4 Final (Public) Report

Summary of project goals, achievements, and results - intended for a general audience


D5.3, D5.4, D6.2, D6.3, D6.4, D7.4 Practitioners Guides

Combines the contents of several formal project deliverables in an browsable, online format allowing easy future maintenance and evolution;  provides advice for users or potential users of technologies such as IMPETUS concerning Ethics, Data Privacy, Operational issues and Cybersecurity


D10.5 Societal Impact Report

Predicts potential societal impacts of widespread adoption of the results of the project (or similar results from other initiatives)

Impact, uptake and possible future evolution


D6.5 Envisioned evolutions of the operational environment

Aims to create awareness of trending technologies that may impact use of technologies such as those developed in IMPETUS

D9.3 Business cases

Provides a reference point for prospect cities that may be interested in the adoption and implementation of the IMPETUS solution and provides a foundation to evaluate the relative costs and benefits

D9.6 Standardization report

Provides and overview of the standards relevant to technologies developed in IMPETUS, and how possible future work on standards could impact uptake of this type of technology

From requirements to experiences in using tools


D1.2 Requirements for public safety solutions

Describes the requirements gathered throughout the project to guide development of technical results and the Practitioners Guides

D7.2 Acceptance pilot report

Describes testing of the tools carried out about one year after project start, with a focus on technical issues – a key first stage in validation

D7.3 Report on the use of technical platform in pilots

Describes testing of IMPETUS in realistic conditions in two “Live Exercises” in Oslo and Padova near the conclusion of the project, and the lessons learned from this key validation work

Technical details of tools developed in the project


D3.4 Tool development final report

Provides technical information on the tools developed in the project, including descriptions of functionality and manuals

D4.2 Data analytics & ingestion-time access control final report

Presents the Big Data solution developed in the project, focusing on the integration between the data governance approach for data management and protection, and the analytics algorithms and pipelines for anomaly detection and event classification

D4.3 Interface design & Big Data visualization

Presents the user interfaces provided in the IMPETUS tools and platform

Communication and external collaboration


D8.3 Communication and dissemination report 2

Describes work to spread information via different channel about project activities and to disseminate results

D8.4 Ecosystem report

Describes work done in the project to engage with external stakeholders, including details of stakeholder workshops held in connection with the live exercises in Oslo and Padova

D8.5 External collaboration report

Describes establishment and operation of COSSEC (The Community of Safe and Secure Cities), and collaborative activities involving other projects

Preliminary versions of deliverables (mostly superseded by later deliverables)


D3.1 Tool development initial report

Pre-cursor to D3.4

D4.1 Data analytics & ingestion time access control initial report

Pre-cursor to D4.2

D5.1 Initial ethical framework

Provided material now re-worked and included in Practitioners Guides


D5.2 Initial mechanisms to preserve privacy in the secure smart city

Provided material now re-worked and included in Practitioners Guides

D8.2 Communication and dissemination report 1

Pre-cursor to D8.3